Join The Club


blog imageSuccessfully running yearbook as a club takes some organization and dedicated students. Here are 5 ways to set up a successful yearbook program as a club:

1. Be Consistent

Set a consistent meeting date and time – whether it is at lunch or after school always have it be the same day and time so that students know what to expect and so they can plan accordingly.
Implement an application process. This does two things: 1) It let’s the student know that you take this seriously and they should too. 2) Everyone likes to be picked for something, so if they are selected to join they are more likely to follow through and continue coming to meetings.

2. Select Your Staff

ThroTrue Potential Kitugh our True Potential Package, HJ offers student applications, teacher recommendations and even certificates to award those who have been selected. Talk to your rep to get one ordered today.

3. Mini-lessons are huge

Skill set cardsSet up a mini-lesson system. Even though it is a club and you most likely have limited time, make sure to do a quick lesson on a new skill that they need to successfully build their yearbook spreads. You can use the Skill Set Cards that comes with HJ curriculum to help with lesson ideas.

4. Check it off

Create a check off list to make sure that you aren’t missing anything and that things aren’t falling through the cracks. Your local Yearbook Lady has them all ready for you, just contact one of us and we can get one to you.

5. Rewards System

Make sure to have a rewards system in place to motivate your students to want to do well. As you meet certain deadlines or sales goals, maybe have a pizza party or something fun that the whole staff agrees on.

The trick to a club is to make sure that students are showing up regularly and that they are in some way rewarded for committing to yearbook as a club so that they will continue to attend and work hard.

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