April Yearbook Checklist

girl-standing-in-rainThis April yearbook checklist may seem long, but actually, this is the month to catch your yearbook breath (once your yearbook finals, that is.) There are a few weeks of calm before the distribution storm when you can do some assessments, organizing and planning. Here’s our list of the few things to focus on this month.


images (1)Run a final index. Check spelling of names on pages ready to submit and make corrections as needed. Use this list to help sell those last few books (see below).


images (1)If not finished already, turn in final deadline. (Then, throw yourselves a big yerdy party!)


images (1)Compile a list of students who have not purchased a yearbook yet and compare it to your final index and parent ads purchased. Contact parents who purchased an ad but not a yearbook. Prepare  to send to students telling them what pages they are on in the book. Say something like, “You’re pictured on page___! Buy your yearbook today at the school bank for only $___.”


images (1)If working on a supplement, double-check on planned content. Are all the end of the year events still happening?  Contact any coaches of sports teams that will be included and make sure the team photos have been taken.


images (1)Solidify plans for local spring planning workshops and summer camps.


images (1)Meet with prospective or already selected new staff members and discuss expectations and staff positions as well as spring and summer workshop opportunities/requirements.


images (1)Begin preparations for yearbook distribution.


images (1)Check with your rep to make sure books are shipping on time. Establish a place for them to be delivered and securely stored.


images (1)If you have yearbooks remaining, organize a final sales week. Do not let it drag out–create an urgency to buy books now.


images (1)Take inventory of all camera equipment. Match up cables, memory cards, and list items that need to be replaced or repaired.


images (1)Celebrate National Administrative Assistant’s Day (April 23) with cards and, if budget allows, small gifts or flowers.


images (1)Clean up/Organize the yearbook room.


images (1)Update the staff manual (or create one) for next year.


images (1)Create an application process for editor positions. Set up dates for interviewing each person.


That’s it! Now take a deep breath–your yearbooks will be on campus before you know it, and you’ll be watching people appreciate your hard work and labor of love. :0)

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