Author: Michele Paolini


So your pages are nearing completion and all that's left is that pesky index and the calla-- . . . colon-- . . . cloho-- . . . [caption id="" align="alignright" width="211" caption="colophon"][/caption] Yeah, *that* thing. So what is a...continue reading

Worth Bragging About

Did you know that Herff Jones has more award-winning yearbooks every year than any other printer? Obviously, we're quite proud of that fact because we feel we have something to do with the highest quality printing. But an often-over looked...continue reading

Make Your Ideas Fly With Ours

Hopefully by now you all have seen a copy of "Ideas That Fly," the compendium of covers, themes, inside pages, and more from schools around the country. This beautiful book comes out once a year and then an additional soft...continue reading