Site by The Spectrum Group Online

This site was designed and optimized using the most current website design and Search Engine Optimization techniques by The Spectrum Group Online, LLC on WordPress.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is a Content Management System that serves as a website’s platform. Started in 2003, it supports over 70 million websites around the world. And it’s popularity continues to grow because it’s open source. Meaning, its code is free and a rich and varied community has developed around it. For businesses, it means that you get a stable yet flexible foundation to build a website. The only limitation is one’s imagination. Known originally as a blogging platform, WordPress has evolved and grown up; it’s now used by Fortune 500 companies.

The Design Process

Creating a website that reflects a business is both an art and science. It needs to be aesthetically pleasing but it also requires practicality. That’s why we begin the website process with a comprehensive design brief. It captures important aspects of a business’ brand — how they are different in the marketplace and why clients return again and again. The brief also uncovers the kind of content and functionality to be represented. In our opinion, a website is a 24/7 sales force. Serving more than a web brochure, a properly designed website should attract and captivate an audience with current and relevant information.

The Yearbook Ladies’ website is an example of a fully customized WordPress installation. For those with a technical appetite, careful attention was paid to ease of navigation and the type of information presented at various levels through the site. We want to give special acknowledgement to Now and Forever Studios, the site’s photographer.

Search Engine Optimization

Beyond its technical definition, SEO is the process of alluring visitors to a website. Once pages are indexed by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, the real fun begins. The goal is have a website’s content presented to searcher — potential customers — who are looking for services just like yours. The more frequently your content appears at the top of the first page, the better it is for business. But how do you know what prospects search for? That’s where in-depth keyword research comes into play. It includes a detailed analysis of the competition and what words are used in actual searches. Armed with this information, we can then create the site’s SEO architecture and optimize content.

Content for Engagement

Now that visitors have arrived to a website, their reward should be an experience that’s positive. In web speak, that’s called user experience. Content, preferably engaging content, should match their expectations. They’ve searched on a term, landed on a page, and the two should match up.

Content is also a way to show expertise and thought leadership. Consistent and relevant writing that’s related to your industry gathers an audience. It also teaches search engines what the site is all about. That’s why the trite saying “Content is King” in the web world is so true. The more content your site has, the more opportunities Google, Bing and Yahoo has to serve your business up to searches. Yet, it’s not just a numbers game. You want quality and quantity. Your site’s copy and images are also ways to express your business’ brand. Why you’re different. Why visitors should buy from you. Without it, your content will appear lackluster and boring.  The final step is optimize your words to the SEO architecture mentioned earlier. The end result should be a seamless blending of writing for human visitors as well as search engine bots.

Free 30-Minute Expert Consultation

Want 30 minutes dedicated to reviewing your website and your online challenges? It’s a no-obligation offer where you have an opportunity to receive free expert and helpful advice you can immediately use. The Spectrum Group Online also offers a free SEO report that highlights useful feedback about your website compared to your competition.

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