Get More Photos in Your Book (Part II)

Now I know I’m preaching to the choir when I say that all teachers, faculty, and school staff absolutely MUST get their portrait pictures taken, but here’s why:

1.) They are a part of the history of that school year.

2.) We want to use their yearbook photos when they appear on Dancing With the Stars: Educator’s Edition

3.) Role model the behavior they want to see for their students which INCLUDES smiling for a camera!

4.) Thirty “not pictured” graphics look terrible on a spread.

5.) It reminds them of what it’s like to be in school again, just without the pimples.

6.) Students really DO want to see them in the yearbook.

I’m sure you can come up with a dozen more reasons, so use this list as a start and add more in an email to everyone on campus before picture re-take day.  The teachers, support staff, administrators and everyone else who receives a paycheck make up the foundation of your school. Put pressure on them. Shame them. Post reminders by the mailboxes. Do whatever it takes to get the employees onto those pages!

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