6 Photography Tips for Yearbookers from Professionals

Scott Kelby is known for his Photoshop expertise. (In fact, if you ever get a chance to attend one of his workshops, do it! It’s definitely worth it… But not for beginners). Anyway, he has a blog and on his blog, he likes to invite guest writers. This week his guest happens to be another one of our favorite design gurus: John McWade from Before and After Magazine.

In his blog entry, John shows us the best way to combine photos with text. In his examples, he uses business cards, but the some of his tips would work for yearbooks as well.

BUT the best part is that after his tutorial (you have to scroll down a bit), he asks readers the following question,

“Imagine standing before a dozen high-school yearbook students embarking on their school year with the goal of creating a great yearbook. Amateur shooters, consumer equipment, some phone cameras.

If you can give them only one tip for making great pictures, what is it?

What if you can give them six tips?

Leave a comment and let me know what tips you would give.”

What follows are some great tips for yearbook staffs on how to take better photos from professionals in the industry. There are so many, I can’t even list them here, so here’s the link to read them for yourself:


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