“D is for DPI” – D-P-What?

atozpostcards_dfrontDPI, or “dots per inch,” is the challenge most advisers face. Most pictures on the computer screen are 72 DPI, which is fine for a monitor. But to print in a yearbook, you want 300 DPI. When there are too few pixels to represent an image adequately for its size, you end up with photos of people that look like my child made them with Legos. But thankfully, digital camera prices are one of the few things that go down every year. For the best results, stock your classroom with cameras that are at least 5 MP (mega pixels), buy 1 G memory cards, and make sure the camera is set to take the largest file possible.

FYI – eDesign (our online layout software) checks your DPI for you, and provides you with a warning if your photos are in danger of being blurry.

*This entry is part of “The Yearbook Ladies’ A to Zs of Yearbook”
project. If you’d like to download the “D” card, go to the “Adviser
Resources” section of www.theyearbookladies.com

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