OK, I’ll admit that just a month ago I thought Twitter was merely a descriptor for bird calls and rambling discourse. But, some very tech-savvy students I work with schooled me on this social network that is, as one of them described it, “Facebook on steroids.” Now, not only do I tweet from my computer and my Blackberry, but I often use Hootlets to help post information. And it all became legit for me when JEA recently posted an article on its Digital Media Resources site, discussing the value of Twitter as a valuable communication tool for schools and publications.
Since the premise of Twitter is that people what to know the answer to the question, “What are you doing,” in 140 words or less, the JEA article discusses the value of using the site to “tell your school community exactly what they want to know: The final score of the game, who was just crowned Homecoming Queen, it’s a snow day. . .etc.” It can also be embedded on a school or staff’s website or Facebook site, thus making information gathering as easy as opening your homepage.
So, I say, join JEA, The Yearbook Ladies, and even Steve Jobs. Tweet away!
Read the JEA article: http://jeadigitalmedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=44:twitter&catid=18:social-networking&Itemid=76
To become a tweeter:Twitter: What are you doing?