TheYearbookBlog would like to congratulate the following schools for receiving the 2008 Pacemaker Award. Winners were announced at the JEA/NSPA National Spring Convention in Phoenix, AZ:
“Aerie” – Brentwood School, Los Angeles, Calif.
“Caxton” – McQueen HS, Reno, Nev.
“Chieftain” – West HS, Torrance, Calif.
“Decamhian” – Del Campo HS, Fair Oaks, Calif.
“The Deer” – Deer Park HS, Deer Park, Texas
“Details” – Whitney HS, Rocklin, Calif.
“El Camino Real” – San Gabriel HS, San Gabriel, Calif.
“Etruscan” – Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, Ill.
“Fentonian” – Fenton HS, Fenton, Mich.
“Hauberk” – Shawnee Mission East HS, Prairie Village, Kan.
“Hawk” – Pleasant Grove HS, Texarkana, Texas
“Hoofbeats” – Burges HS, El Paso, Texas
“Hornet” – Bryant HS, Bryant, Ark.
“Indian” – Shawnee Mission North HS, Overland Park, Kan.