Woohoo! It’s April and your book is done! Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the year. But wait? What about all the stuff that happens after April? If only there was a way to include that in your book, too. Well, you can… with a Spring Supplement! You can include…
- Spring Sports scoreboards or even Spring Sports!
- Senior Trips
- Spring field trips
- PROM! (That’s right, I said, “PROM!”)
And since it only takes 2 weeks to get your supplement back from Herff Jones, you can pretty much include everything!
*This entry is part of “The Yearbook Ladies’ A to Zs of Yearbook”
project. If you’d like to download the “S” card, go to the “Adviser
Resources” section of www.theyearbookladies.com
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